Featured model

Makayla Swann

Birthplace: Atlanta, GA

Zodiac Sign : Aries

IG: mk.swave

Status: Full-time College Student

Goals: My goal is to first graduate from college with 3.3 or better, gain more experience in my field which is computer science. 

Future goals: I plan to have a job in my field, most importantly once I gain more experience and financial stability, I would like to start my own business. The business would basically provide service for people who have technical issues with their computers, start/build a website for customers, and more. I also would like to continue the legacy of my mother’s nonprofit, “Ruth 4 Kids”. It is a non-profit for girls starting at the age of 6 – 18 years and it is to instill leadership, confidence, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) in their self.